Ducklings Nursery Fee Structure

Opening Times

We operate for 38 weeks per academic year. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:45am to 3:15pm.

Free spaces for 3 and 4 year olds

All children are eligible for 15 hours free Nursery provision and details on when these sessions can start are below.

A child born on or between 

Will be eligible for free a place from

1st January and 31st March 

The start of term 5 following their third birthday (after April holiday)
1st April and 31st August 

The start of Term 1 following their third birthday (after Summer holiday)

1st September and 31st December 

The start of Term 3 following their third birthday (after Christmas/New Year holiday)

30 hour funded childcare

Some children may qualify for 30 hours childcare (rather than 15). This is subject to meeting certain eligibility criteria.

find out more about free childcare

If you qualify for 30 funded hours, the school will require your code a month before a new term starts. You will need to reconfirm your eligibility every three months. If the Nursery staff do not receive the code in time, you will only be offered the 15 hours free spaces. 

Please speak to the nursery staff for further information or support.


Fees are payable termly in advance and are reviewed annually. Any changes to current rates will be advised in writing at least one term in advance. Our fees do not include any outings, celebrations or entertainment that is in addition to our usual session activities. 

Morning Sessions  8:45 am to 11:45 am £15 per session*

(Includes 15 hours free)

Lunch period  11:45 am -12:15 pm £2.50 per session
Afternoon Session  12:15 pm to 3:15 pm £15 per session*

*Morning and afternoon sessions included in the 15/30 hour entitlement are free.

Other Funding Available

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

Eligible children can start claiming EYPP in the term in which they become eligible for 3 and 4 year old entitlement and are paid based on the universal funded hours only- not on the extended entitlement. To be eligible you need to be claiming certain benefits/credits or are caring for or have adopted a child from care of the local authority. This additional funding will benefit your child by enabling us to provide additional resources and activities. You will need to complete part 5 and 6 of the parental declaration form giving us permission to apply for EYPP for your child.

For further information on EYPP please look at this website.

Disability Access Fund (DAF)

Your child could be eligible for this funding if they are in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA). This one off annual payment will help us support your child with their disability or special educational need and allow us to make any reasonable adjustments or purchases for suitable resources that may be required.

Free Spaces

We offer one completely free lunch space with a funded 30 hours offer. 

Changing Provision Choices

Once you have agreed your provision choices, you will be issued with a contract. Your agreed provision can only be changed for the start of term 1 (September), term 3 (January) and term 5 (April). If you would like to add additional provision, please contact the Academy.


No refund will be given in the event of a child’s absence due to illness or other reason.


Should the Nursery be unable to open due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances, parents will be refunded for a chargeable session at the discretion of the Nursery, in the form of a credit.  Should closure need to take place part way through a session, a refund will not be given in this instance.

Late Pick-up

Children must be collected promptly at the end of a session.  Should a parent fail to collect their child on time there will be a late collection fee of £1 per minute. 

Late Payments

Fees are to be paid in advance of the term.  If you are experiencing financial hardship, please speak, in confidence, to the Nursery team so that alternative payment arrangements can be made.  If without negotiation, fees are not settled, we are left with no alternative but to withdraw your child’s place. Children in receipt of Free Early Education will be able to access their funded hours only.

Payment Methods

You will receive an invoice email via MyChildAtSchool prior to each term and we would ask that this is paid in full  using any of the following methods: 

  • MyChildAtSchool – You should already have received your log in details for this. If for some reason you cannot locate this, please contact the Academy office.  
  • Childcare Grant Payment ServiceOur childcare payment reference is CCG5328335.   
  • Lastly you can pay via childcare vouchers. Please contact the Academy office for information. 

Snacks and Meals

If your child is staying for the lunch period, you will need to provide them with a packed lunch unless they are entitled to an Early Years Pupil Premium free school meal.  If you are entitled to this, we will provide your child with a packed lunch.  A morning and afternoon snack will be provided by the Nursery. This includes a piece of fruit and a carton of milk.