Ducklings Nursery offers free 15 hour places for three and four year olds. 

In addition to this, we also offer funded 30 hour spaces to three and four year old children whose parents are eligible. The offer is provided for 38 weeks per year in line with the academy term dates. If you are interested in a place please contact the office via info@oaks.latrust.org.uk or speak to a member of the Nursery team. 

Early Years Foundation Stage Framework 

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets out the learning and development stages for children as they grow from birth to five, this includes the Nursery and Reception years.  

The EYFS Framework sets the standards schools and childcare providers must meet for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years of age. 

The Government also sets out Development Matters which is non-statutory guidance material supporting practitioners to implement the requirements of the EYFS. 

In September 2020 the Government updated Development Matters and gave schools the option to become an early adopter school of the new guidance in preparation for September 2021. Leigh Academy Oaks chose to be an early adopter school.

Please find the Statutory Framework and Early Adopter Development Matters Below

EYFS Statutory Framework Development Matters 2020

The Foundation Stage Curriculum: Nursery and Reception

The EYFS is known as the Foundation Stage because it is teaching children the foundations of learning by preparing and equipping them with the skills needed to be successful learners. 

Learning in the EYFS is split into seven areas. 

The primary areas of learning are: 

  1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  2. Physical Development
  3. Communication and Language

The four specific areas of learning are:

  1. Literacy
  2. Mathematics
  3. Understanding the World
  4. Expressive Arts and Design

All areas of learning are equally important and interlink with each other. Using the Framework, Development Matters and the children’s interests, teachers plan to meet the needs of all children. Activities and experiences are planned to spark curiosity, promote independence and challenge. 

Alongside the rest of Leigh Academy Oaks, the EYFS follows The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) for children aged 3 – 12. The PYP nurtures and develops young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. It offers an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum framework that builds conceptual understanding. Through inquiry-based learning, we are providing the children with the opportunity to explore learning beyond what they are explicitly taught. 

Please visit the Ducklings (Nursery) and Robins (Reception) class pages to see our current learning.